Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Introduction

Matt has inspired me in so many ways but nothing compares to how he challenges my christian beliefs. Not in a bad way, mind you. In a way that it actually makes me want to be a better, more real, christian. Recently he found a quote that really struck home and ultimately inspired this blog. Here's the quote:

"I have to tell you, most people and most Christians really aren’t interested in the Bible. Most Christians are concerned about passing on their faith, which is VERY basic, and about raising their kids among and amid other like-minded believers, and about having close Christian friends. That’s pretty much it. Anything amounting to serious Bible study, even on the lay level, is viewed as odd or “impractical.” Trust me; I live with that frustration every day." -Dr. Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D (Hebrew Bible & Semitic Languages)

And so, my friends, I'm going to explore my faith, my beliefs, and get to understand the bible. Not in a scholarly way. Quite frankly, that's not me. It's important though and I don't want to over simplify anything either. Let's face it, you can get that in church every Sunday.

So I'm going to give this a try. You're either with me or not reading so I have nothing to loose. I would appreciate comments and please feel free to challenge me too!

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